I have not been keeping up with this as much as I planned. You can't really blame me though (well, technically you can).
We live in Florida and the weather has been fabulous so we have not been spending as much time in the house, and if we are in the house we've been doing fun preschool activities. S is really interested in school, so I just decided to go ahead and home preschool him and he loves it! No need to send him somewhere and pay for someone else to teach him things when I can teach him myself and cater more to his desires. I love that he's like a sponge and wants to learn any and everything so we can do a variety of fun educational things. I have discovered that while he enjoys uninhibited play learning, he does far better with a little structure. Also, with the structure his behavior improves so he's not as much of a rambunctious little boy. I can get him to channel his energy on a specific task and he just gets enthralled in what he is doing. It's pretty fantastic to watch the little wheels turn in his head as he figures new things out. I love it!
Aside from that Z has been a cling-on lately. And God forbid I attempt to sit at the computer for more than 5 minutes! He is most definitely teething and handles it almost the complete opposite of S. S had a much higher pain tolerance, well I guess he still has a very high pain tolerance. Z, no so much! This teething business bothers him greatly! Lately he has only wanted me and has not wanted to be put down. I feel extra bad on the days where he is so bothered that he doesn't even want me to hold him. Of course, I still do because if I put him down he screams more. Those days are definitely a lose lose situation for all involved. Those are the days I feel bad for the husband who is trying to sleep before work. I have no idea how he sleeps through the noise!
With all of this I have definitely not been thinking of blogging, and I've barely been keeping up with twitter, which you'd assume would be easier, but there are so many people I find interesting that I can't seem to keep up with it all! How do some of you do it?!
I'll be updating again soon. I think...
So until then, happy blogging to you!