Saturday, April 17, 2010


So we've recently been creating a playroom for the boys. We have a small house so we decided to do a partial conversion of the garage. I wanted to create an inviting creative play area for them. S is a budding artist (his new fascination is painting) so I really wanted a room that would help spark his already big imagination. This is what the garage looked like when we first moved in... it was gross!

The garage was eventually full of boxes, pet items, and basically lots of junk. Sorting through everything and getting rid of unnecessary items was the biggest task, but we did it! We primed and painted it and then I started to decorate it! There was still quite a bit of stuff that needed a new home though... as you can see.

Of course, once that was accomplished I needed to mop the floor to prepare for the new rugs! Z helped...

The final decorative items came in the mail, along with the rugs, on Friday. Then I was able to get everything set up! I moved toys and creative play items into the room in preparation for the big unveiling!

Here is the final product! Needless to say, the boys love it! Well, S does and I'm sure Z will when he gets bigger. One of S's favorite parts is the chalkboard wall decals!

I'll end this post with a picture of the boys playing. Z loves to watch everything S does!


  1. That looks great! What a great use of space. I love the yellow on the walls and the bright colors of the floor.

  2. did an amazing job!

  3. Thank you! It was definitely the most fulfilling house project we've done to date!
