This past week has been quite busy! We've been converting the garage into a play room, I made a couple big dinners for a friend who recently had her second child, and had tons of cleaning to get done. Despite all of that we managed to have some fun by going to the beach for a day! It was Z's first trip to a beach, aside from when he was in the womb.
The trip was initially just going to be the boys and I, plus my mother. Then my mother invited my grandmother. I love that woman to pieces, but she can be a real downer most of the time. The inevitable happened with her bringing down the fun until she left early, but we still managed to have a fantastic time!
S became a sand monster. I kid you not, he was covered. I think the massive amounts of sun block I put on him made the sand stick to him like glue! There was a giant hole that someone had created that S felt needed his attention. He was jumping in and out of it, rolling around in it, and just, in general, having a good time in the sand. He built some sand castles and a sand turtle, complete with sea shells to make up the turtle shell. It was very cute. He refused to go in the water though. That was something new since he used to love going in the ocean. Instead we just filled pails of water and dumped them on each other. He really enjoyed collecting sea shells this time around. He took a couple walks with Grandma and Great Grandma to find lots of shells while I sat with the sleepy little Z man.
I think Z enjoyed himself too. It was his first time at the beach. We had the blanket and towel laid out, a basket for him to nap in, the big umbrella to block the sun, and toys for him to play with too. He even took a nap. I didn't expect him to actually nap while we were there but he did! It was amazing! He had on his little iplay swim outfit too. Super cute!
Of course both boys caught the attention of the people all around us. Z was smiling at random people from the blanket and S hardly noticed anyone else because he was so busy playing. He even found a hidden treasure... It's the second time he has found a toy car buried in the sand. This time, though, he lost it before we left.
Of course while we were there I forgot to take care of myself. That's right... I forgot to put sunblock on. I don't turn red when I burn, just end up looking dark, but I could definitely feel the burn. Not too pleasant! I'll have to take mental note to remember myself too! Overall, the trip was great! For the past few days S has asked me if we can go to the beach to eat lunch again and play in the sand. It's hard to say no to him when he is being so sweet. If we lived closer to the beach we'd be there more often. Some day he'll understand, I hope!
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