Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here Comes the Rain... Again.

This afternoon we are supposed to go on a Nature Exploration/ Visual Scavenger Hunt with one of our local homeschool groups, but I can see the storm clouds coming... I'm really hoping the storm holds off but we are expected to have scattered thunderstorms all afternoon. The boys will be so disappointed!

Yesterday our morning was spent at our homeschool co-op. We started a new unit on Cultures Around the World! Instead of breaking things up into subject based centers we've decided that each mom will cover a different country. :) Yesterday we covered 4: the UK, France, Greece, and Russia. 

The UK


The kids made passports together and then traveled to the different countries. Each country offered, food, music, pictures, books, cultural facts, and a fun activity. Whole group activity for the unit will be the kids learning how to say hello, goodbye, and count to 10. This week they learned that in French. I love watching all the kids learn so much about all of the topics we cover each unit.

Making his passport.

Paper nesting dolls.

His Greek outfit.

This unit has already sparked S's desire to travel. He loves geography and learning about other places. In previous lessons he's asked me to visit different landmarks and national monuments, which of course just added to our current plan to take a cross country road-schooling trip in a couple years. Now he is showing more and more interest in places outside the U.S. probably due to watching multiple episodes of Human Planet, Planet Earth, Life, and Blue Planet. He LOVES those shows and so do I.  We'll see where that interest leads our family.

While S was enjoying learning about the different countries, Z was busy enjoying all of the food. He had no problem sampling everything he could and then some... potential foodie in the making!

Next week we're traveling to Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, and Jamaica! It's going to be a lot of fun!

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